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2021-06-10 20:40  

















4. 主要实验设备简介

实验室设备原值超过10万元的各类精密仪器设备20余台套,拥有包括真空感应悬浮熔炼炉、非自耗电弧炉、气氛保护熔炼炉、200吨、100 吨压机、离心铸造机、压力铸造机、激光焊接机器人、tig与mig焊机、真空热处理炉,f200双辊轧机等完善的材料加工实验设备;拥有场发射扫描电镜、mts电液私服试验系统、x射线衍射仪、hopkinson压杆冲击实验系统、mts landmark疲劳试验机、电子万能试验机、冲击试验机和各式硬度计等分析测试手段,设备总值1500余万元。














































5. 学科带头人及实验室主要成员简介



武保林,男,1963年7月生,博士,教授,博士生导师;校材料学科创始人、带头人。中国航空学会材料工程分委会委员,辽宁省航空宇航学会材料分委会副主任委员,辽宁省航空宇航学会学术委员会委员,中国体视学会金相显微分析分会理事,国家科技奖励评审专家,国家自然科学基金同行评议人,航空材料研究学报、材料工程、materials science and engineering a、materials characterization、jmst 等国内国际学术期刊审稿人。2003年被评为辽宁省百千万人才工程千人层次,2004年被学校遴选为材料科学与工程学科学科带头人、航空宇航科学技术学科学术带头人。2010年10月-2021年5月,担任校学术委员会副主任。从2005年6月和2011年7月起,由学校组织推荐,分别被南京航空航天大学、大连理工大学评聘为兼职博士生导师;2019年10月,被评聘为航空航天大学航空宇航学科首批博士生导师。2008年12月-2009年11月为法国metz大学(现lorraine大学)letam(现lem3)国家中央实验室高级访问学者、客座教授;2010年8月-2010年9月、2011年8月-2011年9月,法国metz大学lem3国家中央实验室客座教授。










































1. l. song, b. wu, d. x, y. wang, c. esling, m.j philippe, sequential activation of deformation modes in textured alloy az31b during tensile deformation, materials science and engineering a, 778(2020), 138921.1-138921.9;(sci)


2. b. wu, l. song, g. wan, x. du, c. esling, distribution of generalized schmid factor in euler orientation space and rollability of az31b alloy with basal texture, journal of materials engineering and performance, 2020,29(12).


3. b. wu, l. song, g. duan, x. du, m.j. philippe, effect of cyclic frequency on uniaxial ratcheting behavior of a textured az31b magnesium alloy under stress control, materials science and engineering a, 795(2020), 139675;(sci).


4. lu zhang, xinghao du, baolin wu, et al. a ductile high entropy alloy strengthened by nano sigma phase, intermetallics, 2020 (122): 106813


5. lu zhang, xiaofeng huo, xin jin, bangsheng li, microstructure and mechanical properties of precipitation-hardened cast high-entropy superalloys, materials science and technology, 2020 (36): 477-483.


6. lu zhang, xinghao du, li zhang, wanpeng li, yuxin liang, jianxin yu, naifu zou, gang wan, yan tang, guosheng duan, baolin wu, achieving ultra-high strength in a precipitation-hardened cocrni-based medium-entropy alloy with partially recrystallized microstructure and heterogeneous grains, vacuum, 2021 (188): 110169.


7. yl. liu, l luo, mz shun, l zhang, yh zhao, bl wu, microstructure and mechanical properties of al-5.5fe-1.1v-0.6si alloy solidified under near-rapid cooling and with ce addition, rare metals, 2018.


8. x. h. du, w. p. li, h. t. chang, et al., dual heterogeneous structures lead to ultrahigh strength and uniform ductility in a co-cr-ni medium-entropy alloy [j], nat. commun, 2020, 11: 2390.


9. p hu, x zheng, j zhu, b wu, effects of chicken feather keratin on smoke suppression characteristics and flame retardancy of epoxy resin, polymers for advanced technologies, 2020.


10. du x,  chang h,  chen c, huo x, huang jc, duan g, wu b, extraordinary room-temperature tensile ductility of pure magnesium[j]. materials, 2019, 12(23).


11.b. l. wu, y. h. zhao, x. h. du, y. d. zhang, f. wagner, c. esling, ductility enhancement of extruded magnesium via yttrium addition, materials science and engineering a, 527(2010), 4334-4340;(sci)


12.b. l. wu, g. wan, y. d. zhang, c. esling, twinning characteristics in textured az31 alloy under impact loading along specified direction, matrials letters, 64(2010),636-639; (sci)


13. b. l. wu, g. wan, y. d. zhang, x. h. du, f. wagner, c. esling, fragmentation of large grains in az31 magnesium alloy during ecae via route a, materials science and engineering a, 527(2010), 3365-3372; (sci)


14. g. wan, *b. l. wu, g. y. sha, y. d. zhang, c. esling, anisotropy of dynamic behavior of hot extruded az31 magnesium alloy, materials science and engineering a, 527 (2010), 2915-2924; (sci)


15. x. h. du, *b. l. wu, the anisotropy of superplastic deformation for fsped mg alloy due to the existence of onion rings, international journal of materials research(zeitchrift fur metallkunde), 99(2) (2008), 203-207; (sci)


16. g. wan, b. l. wu, y. h. zhao, y.d. zhang, c. esling,strain-rate sensitivity of textured mg–3.0al–1.0zn alloy (az31) under impact deformation, scripta materialia, 65 (2011), 461~464; (sci)


17. b. l. wu, y. d. zhang, g. wan, m. humbert, f. wagner, c. esling. primary twinning selection with respect to orientation of deformed grains in ultra-rapidly compressed az31 alloy, ,  (2012), 120–127;(sci)


18. c. j. geng, *b. l. wu, x. h. du, y. d. wang, y. d. zhang, f. wagner, c. esling, stress-strain response of textured az31b magnesium alloy under uniaxial tension at the different strain rates, materials science and engineering a, 559(1) (2013), 307-313;(sci)


19. c. j. geng , *b. l. wu, x. h. du, y. d. wang, y. d. zhang, f. wagner, c. esling, low cycle fatigue behavior of the textured az31b magnesium alloy under the asymmetrical loading, materials science and engineering a, 560 (2013), 618-626;(sci)


20. x. h. du, erlin zhang, b. l. wu, microstructure and mechanical properties of az91d alloy prepared by semi-solid diecast process, international journal of materials research (zeitschrift für  metallkunde), 98 (3) (2007), 1-5; (sci)


21. j. j. wang, b. l. wu, z. w. huang, t. cui, y. d. wang, r. kainuma, k. ishida, stress-induced lattice transit behavior in a cold-rolled cu-al-mn two-way shape memory alloy, materials science forum, 561-565(2007), 1445-1449; (sci)


22. x. h. du, *b. l. wu, continuous dynamic recrystallization of extruded nial polycrystals during the superplastic deformation process, metallurgical and materials transaction a, 36 (2005), 3343-3351; (sci)


23. x. h. du, b. l. wu, using friction stir processing to produce ultrafine-grain microstructure in az61 magnesium alloy, trans. nonferrous. met. soc. china, 18(3) (2008), 562-566; (sci)


24. b. l. wu,y. d. zhang, l. zuo, c. esling, the influence of texture and gbcd on stress corrosion and intergranular corrosion in 2024 aluminum alloy, solid state phenomena,105 (2005),182-186; (sci)


25. b. l. wu, g. y. sha, y. d. zhang, and  c. esling, grain refinement of an al-cu-mg alloy through combination of microalloying and common thermo-mechanical treatment and its superplasticity, materials science forum, 546-549 (2007), 917-922; (sci)


26. wu baolin, huang zhenwei, zhang yudong, bao lei , claude esling, the deformed texture of copper processed by equal chanel angular pressing (ecap) via different angle routes, trans. nonferrous. met. soc.china, 17(2007),479-483; (sci)


27. du xinghao, wu baolin, using two-pass friction stir processing to produce nanocrystalline microstructure in az61 magnesium alloy, science in china series e-technilogical science, 52 (2009), 1751-1755; (sci)


28. x. h. du, b. l.wu, j. c. huang,superplastic deformation behavior of a spray-deposited eutectic nial/cr(mo) alloy doped with dy, international journal of materials research (zeitschrift für  metallkunde), 98 (2) (2007), 123-127; (sci)


29. x. h. du, b. l. wu, j. c. lee, j. c. huang, large tensile elongation behavior

of extruded eutectic nial/cr(mo) alloy,journal of materials science, 42(2007),6578-6582. (sci)


30. c. j. geng, x. h. du, *b. l. wu, y. d. wang1, y. d. zhang, f. wagner, c. esling, comparition of lcf behavior between two az31b alloys with different microstructure and texturerecrystallization and texture under aymmetrical strain loading, international journal of materials research, 104(10)(2013)966-973; (sci)


31. du xinghao, guo jianting, wubaolin, compressive properties of high-pressure die cast ip 75 alloy with strengthening laves phase,  materials letters, 61 (2007), 288-291; (sci)


32. du xinghao,guo jiantingand wu baolin, compressive behavior of nial/(cr,mo)hf alloy prepared by high-pressure die cast and hot isostatic pressing,trans. nonferrous. met. soc.china., 16 (2006), 747-752; (sci)


33. x. h. du, j. c. huang, b. l. wu, investigation of compressive mechanical properties of nial/cr(nb) alloy prepared by rapid soliddifcation processing, advanced engineering materials, 9(8)(2007),684-688; (sci)


34. xu qiangang, wu baolin, zhang haifeng and hu zhuangqi, wettability of molten zr55cu30al10ni5 on alumina and zirconia, rare metals, 26(3)(2007),213-217; (sci)


35. b. l. wu, l. zuo, z. d. liang, c. esling, m. lecomte, the development of recrystallization texture in copper heated by laser beam, scripta metal. mater.40 (1999)4-9; (sci)


36. x. h. du, e. l. zhang, b. l. wu, achieving ultra-fine grains in az61 mg alloy by friction stir processing, international journal of materials research, 99( 12)(2008)1375-1378, (sci);


37.du xing-hao; wu bao-lin.  transactions of nonferrous metals society of china,  18(3)(2008), 562-565; (sci)


38. b. l. wu,g. wan, x. h. du, y. d. zhang, f. wagner, c. esling, the quasi-static mechanical properties of extruded binary mg-er alloys, materials science and engineering a, 573 (2013)205-214. (sci)


39. c. j. geng, *b. l. wu, x. h. du, y. d. wang1, y. d. zhang, f. wagner, c. esling, the lcf behavior of the textured az31b alloy, trans. nonferrous. met. soc. china,23 (2013) 1589−1594;(sci);


40. x.h. du, g.s. duan, m. hong, d.p. wang, *b.l. wu, y.d. zhang, c. esling, effect of v on the microstructure and mechanical properties of mg–10er–2cu alloy with a long period stacking ordered structure,materials letters, 122 (2014) 312–314 (sci);


41.g. s. duan, *b.l. wu, x.h. du, x. zhao, y.d. zhang, l. zuo, c. esling, ,materials science and engineering a,  603, (2014),11-22.(sci)


42. c. j. geng, *b. l. wu, liu fang a, tong wenwei a, han zhenyu ,dynamic tensile behavior of az31b magnesium 5 alloy at ultra-high strain rates, chinese journal of aeronautics, 28 (2015), 593-599. (sci)


43. g.s. duan, *b.l.wu, x.h.du, x.zhao, y.d.zhang, l.zuo, c.esling,nano structured extension twins in rapidly compressed mg–3.0al–1.0zn alloy,materials science & engineering a, 614(2014)75–80. (sci )


44. g.s. duan, *b.l.wu, x.h.du, g.zhao, y.d.zhang, x.zhao, l.zuo, c.esling,the microstructure evolution in az31b alloy during multi-pass cold rolling to a high reduction,materials science&engineeringa620(2015)120–128;(sci )


45. x. h. du, m. hong, g. s. duan, c. b. wei, e. p. jiang, m. zhang, *b. l. wu, y. d. zhang, c. esling, excellent cold rollability in a single pass of an mg-4er (wt.%) alloy, international journal of materias research, 106(10(2015), 15-21 (sci)


46. zhang li,wu bao-lin,zhao yu-hua,*du xing-hao,exploration of al-based matrix composites reinforced by hierarchically spherical agents,international journal of minerals metallurgy and materials, 20(8), pp796-801, 2013/8 (sci)


47. du xing-hao, hong min, duan guo-sheng, wu bao-lin, zhang yu-dong, claude esling. preparation of sound ribbons with submicrometer grained microstructure on a mg-zn alloy. science bulletin, 2015,60(5)570-573.(sci)


48. x.h. du, c. gao, b.l. wu, j.j. wang. enhanced compression ductility of stoichiometric nial at room temperature by y and cu co-addition, international journal of minerals, metallurgy, and materials, april 2012, volume 19, , pp 348-353 (sci)


49. du xing-hao, hong-min, wu bao-lin, wei cheng-bin. a high-performance mg-er-zn-zr alloy with low er / zn weight ratio, , november 2015, volume 22, pp 4123-4127


50. d. p. wang, d. z. wang, b. l. wu, f. wang, z. d. liang, an evolutionary algorithm for the texture analysis of cubic system materials derived by the maximum entropy principle, entropy, 2014, vol.16(12), 6477-6496. (sci)

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